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RoboCop 3

RoboCop 3 (1993)

November. 05,1993
| Adventure Action Thriller Crime

The mega corporation Omni Consumer Products is still bent on creating their pet project, Delta City, to replace the rotting city of Detroit. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the area have no intention of abandoning their homes simply for desires of the company. To this end, OCP have decided to force them to leave by employing a ruthless mercenary army to attack and harass them. An underground resistance begins and in this fight, RoboCop must decide where his loyalties lie.


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It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film


Peter Weller bailed out from RoboCop 3 and in this film, Nancy Allen soon follows.What is worse you have to wait for ages for Robert John Burke to show up as RoboCop. He sides with the down and outs of Detroit City who are being moved on by the Urban Rehabilitation Officers hired by the evil corporation, Omni who want to clear the slums and build new skyscrapers.Angry at RoboCop's actions, the villain McDaggett (John Castle) hires robot ninjas to take him out and Omni smear RoboCop as having gone rogue.The original Robocop directed by Paul Verhoeven was an ultraviolent satirical classic with black humour and an anti corporate stance.This is a poor film lacking any subtext of the original but just cashing in on its success. The effects look cheap and the script is third rate.

Eric Stevenson

For Sequel Month, we're unfortunately looking at what is regarded as one of the worst sequels ever made. I confess to not watching "Robocop 2", but I really have no interest in that, given how the original's a classic. The basic plot is that Robocop joins a resistance against an organization of corrupt cops trying to take over Detroit. The premise is too basic and pretty flimsy. The effects look pretty off sometimes too. It expands little on the mythos of the franchise and mostly just reprises stuff from the original.As bad as this can get, I didn't think it was terrible. It doesn't really ruin anything about the character or the setting. I didn't find the characters to be too stupid or anything. It's just nothing special at all. It didn't make me mad or make me feel insulted or anything. It's just another one of the many pointless sequels out there trying to cash in on the success of the original. **


For years, i heard that this movie was terrible, that Robocop has been watered to kids fun ! Well, this is not true, at least not entirely…Yes, i admit that the special effects are horrible, especially the flying Robocop ! Yes, his switch-off arm looks like a toy gadget ; Yes the Otomo cyborg is terribly awful, badly directed and inspired as he really don't add anything to the story but on the other hand, it kicks ass ! In how many kid (disney) movies, you see America becoming Amerikka ? Here, the poor Americans are arrested and deported by fellow Americans who look like SS and for business interests; if they resist, they are labeled terrorists... In how many kid (or also parents) movies, do you hear that firms can become abusive, that they are money obsessed, ready to exploit the feeble one ! In how many kid (or also parents) movies, do you see that globalization is bad and that work can destroy life ? In how many kid (or also parents) movies, you see cops refusing to take unjust orders, medias objecting to give subjective news ? So Robocop leaves his boss, his firm, his directives to join rebels, to fight against the order but for social justice ? Finally, for sure, this isn't the usual, expected political correctness that we are constantly brainwashed so this time I thank Miller for a really acid and mean story ! In addition, the cast is pretty cool : Dr Lazarus is a good character which seems to be really attached to his robot and the young kid is really talented ! So after the disappointing Robo2, this one really improves in the ideas but failed in technical terms !


This lame sequel to the brilliant original masterpiece is yet another example of the law of diminishing returns. Also, unbelievably, it's aimed at CHLDREN, astonishing when you consider the level of mindless violence which filled the first two films. There's not a lot of originality this time around, and film is mainly a rehash of the first, with a plot about punk gangs and soldiers and rebels thrown in.Nancy Allen dies in the first half hour, probably because she didn't want to appear in this garbage. In the first film, when someone died, it meant something. Now we just don't care anymore. To add insult to injury, the lead actor has been changed, as Peter Weller was wise to decline his invitation to return. Robert Burke simply doesn't have the power of Weller, a much under-rated actor in my opinion. Burke's as wooden as a plank. The rest of the cast simply go through their clichéd, uninspired motions.The main disappoint for me was the lack of violence in this film. Let's face it, it was the violence that made the first film what it was. Now, a few people get shot and that's about it. Instead, there are lots of 'comic' scenes which fall flat and show that the material was wearing thin. Robocop was never designed to be a protector of children or a kindly saviour. He was a mean, vengeful cyborg cop who shot the baddies repeatedly and threw people through glass windows and stuff. To see him flying around in the sky in a jet pack is just a travesty, it really is. Degrading stuff.The special effects aren't that bad, apart from the aforementioned hugely unrealistic jet pack scenes, but there's nothing remarkable on offer here, little stop motion animation. The only good thing the film has to offer in the way of effects are the cyborg samurai, Japanese guys who are robots underneath. When their faces smash and stuff it's pretty interesting. Otherwise, it's time for this Robo-outing to visit the scrap heap. Or the realms of television, which is where in fact he went after this abomination.
