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The Punisher

The Punisher (1989)

October. 05,1989
| Drama Action Thriller Crime

The avenging angel of Marvel Comics fame comes brilliantly to life in this searing action-adventure thriller! Dolph Lundgren stars as Frank Castle, a veteran cop who loses his entire family to a mafia car bomb. His ex-partner believes Castle survived the blast and became the Punisher, living in the sewers and exacting vigilante violence against mob bosses throughout the city. When the populace is caught in the midst of a gang war that he caused, Castle must again emerge from the shadows and save the innocent.


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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film


I recently re watch this movie and on my last review I said this movie is okay, my opinion changes, it's good movie. I still prefer 04 Punisher because I enjoy it the most. I remember the pace could be rough here and there but it flow smooth with the story now in my opinion. The kills are realistic like it's not over the top or cartoon kind of death. If your a Puniser fan then watch this movie, it's worth a watch.Score: 8.5/10


Wait they made a Punisher in 1989? For reals? For reals, and this one had a total B-Movie feel to it. Honestly, the B-Movie thing is vibing so hard in the first five minutes that it almost shakes you out of your seat.That isn't a bad thing, it certainly gives the film a dark and gritty feel to it that works well for the subject matter. In fact, the low budget gives the movie the atmosphere that the other Punisher movies only wished they could achieve.It's a dark movie and Dolph Lundgren has dark hair...and it still seems to work.In fact, almost everything about it seems to work in it's favor.It's no where near as bad as the critics stank it was. Its a movie about an insane super-hero serial killer and even in the comic books that is really what the Punisher is, a well armed man that went insane and started killing bad guys in massive numbers.It plays insanely well with the cheap B-Movie feel of The Punisher 1989 and stands alone as the only really good Punisher movie anyone has made.

Daniel Loe

*WARNING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* The Punisher has had three movies, and this was the first. I haven't seen War Zone, but this is the weakest out of the two I've seen. It isn't exactly bad, but it won't really commit to telling a Punisher movie. They leave out the skull shirt, which is y'know, the Punisher's costume. I think Dolph Lundergen looks like a good Punisher, but he looks half-asleep throughout the entire movie, which makes it hard to get into his character at all. Louis Gosset Jr. plays Frank's former partner, who is looking for him. That was a good sub-plot, but it was never utilized. The two finally meet, but Frank won't even talk to him much at all, so it lessens the impact. I could not stand the head Yakuza woman, something about her was just so grating, I don't know why. Her mute daughter was a pretty good concept though, and she got a good fight with the Punisher, but it didn't have enough impact. I think the Yakuza boss should've gotten enraged to see her daughter dead, and released the kid to kill Punisher, instead of just being killed by a thrown knife. There are some good shoot-outs. I liked that Frank was portrayed as a real person, and not just an unstoppable killing machine, but seeing him use martial arts styled combat just doesn't work for me. He doesn't use his guns enough throughout a lot of the movie, aside from the epic fight at the docks. I also like that the Punisher does go to save the mobster's kids, but only after his conscience gets the better of him. The aspect of the Punisher's conscience was something that was missing from the Thomas Jane version. But aside from that, this movie is just kind of... bland. The bleak tone suffocates any fun to be had from the violence and fighting, and, while the score is good, it just adds to the depressing atmosphere. In conclusion, The Punisher isn't a great movie, it has sub-par acting, decent action, an okay story, and a poor tone.


Frank Castle (Dolph Lundgren) is a former cop who lives in the sewers as The Punisher after his wife and kids were murdered. Mob boss Dino Moretti is responsible but is released after the court fails to convict him. The Punisher kills him and his henchmen. Frank's former partner Jake Berkowitz (Louis Gossett Jr.) gets hounded by Sam Leary to be his new partner. She believes that Frank Castle is still alive as The Punisher despite official denial. Gangster Gianni Franco (Jeroen Krabbé) returns to town while Lady Tanaka of the Japanese Yakuza proposes a partnership with his organization weaken by The Punisher.I appreciate the strip down attempt at a hard-nosed comic book movie. They even kick around some kids. However Mark Goldblatt is not a good enough director. The style and look of it is solidly in a lower level. The action isn't that exciting. Lundgren doesn't do much acting-wise. It gets a bit boring without any compelling acting.
