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Mean Girls

Mean Girls (2004)

April. 30,2004
| Drama Comedy

Cady Heron is a hit with The Plastics, the A-list girl clique at her new school, until she makes the mistake of falling for Aaron Samuels, the ex-boyfriend of alpha Plastic Regina George.


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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.


The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.


The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.


The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.


Cady Heron, a home-schooled girl lives in Africa whose parents are zoologist, now she, as a teenager, is in high school and decided to fit in. She fits in with the popular kids in high school, "The Plastics", whom her friends wanted to forbid her from fitting in with them. She decided to hang out with Regina George, a popular girl and her ex-boyfriend, Aaron Samuels. Mean Girls is a fun teen movie that elevates from good humor and perfomances although i do think it's kinda overrated since there's way better teen movies out there for sure in my opinion.


This is a fun, entertaining classic film that is sexy, hip and full of attitude. I love it. Having said that, reading the many reviews some claim this is realistic or true to the high school culture. I like to know which schools these reviewers attended. It is nothing like my high school! And I don't want them to be like one another. I watch movies for flights of fantasy not for realism (unless it is a documentary)!


The movie "Mean Girls" (2004) is one that is memorable and makes everyone laugh. It is a comedy that especially attracts the younger crowd, but it is a movie that everyone from young to old can enjoy. It is about a girl from Africa named Cady Heron who comes to America for high school. She meets friends who are not popular and they tell her and warn her to not be friends with "The Plastics", who consist of three obnoxious, popular girls (Regina George, Gretchen, and Karen). However, she ends up becoming friends with them. Also, she becomes friends with a boy named Aaron in her math class. At first, Cady sees "The Plastics" as a nice, new group of friends but later finds out their true identity and the reason behind their name. Also, Cady is somewhat attracted to Aaron, who is also Regina's ex-boyfriend so this causes some tension. Everything turns out to be a disaster at the end because of all the drama between Regina and Cady. Cady gets in huge trouble and finally realizes that this is not what she is supposed to be like and that the "friends" she has been around have been a bad influence on her. She turns back to the old, lovable Cady that she was before getting involed with "The Plastics". The movie concludes with Cady being back with her original, nerdy group and "The Plastics" no longer being around because all three girls went in their own directions. I recommend everyone to watch this film because it is a classic teen drama/comedy movie that is hilarious to watch, and it can be watched over and over without getting boring. It will make you laugh the whole time because some of the things in the movie are super dumb and stupid that it's funny. Also, many high schoolers enjoy this movie because of the relatablity to their own high school life (drama, clicks, bulling, trying to fit in, etc). The actors in the movie are prominent actors in Hollywood. They include actors who have been in the entertainment industry for a while: Lindsay Lohan, Rachael McAdams, Jonathan Bennet, and Tiny Fey. Overall, this movie is one of my favorites because it is super funny to watch and always keeps you awake. Since I don't watch movies often, I fall asleep in them. So for me not to fall asleep proves how this movie must be a least a little interesting. This movie received mostly positive reviews, but there are a few negative reviews that criticize this movie. In May 2014, moonmonday wrote a negative review that claimed that Mean Girls is a try hard of other more successful teen movies such as "Heathers" (1988) and 'Jawbreaker" (1999). However, "Mean Girls" is not comparable because the plot of all three movies are totally different. I searched up Heathers and Jawbreaker and both have someone being murdered or committing suicide. This might give way to why they are both rated R while "Mean Girls" is rated PG-13. I think that moonmonday is just being prejudiced and likes more inaprropriate movies. He/she also might like the two movies mentioned but others don't. Heathers has similar reviews to Mean Girls (~7.0/10 reviews on IMD). On the other hand, Jawbreaker has only 5.5/10. If you ask anyone if they heard of any of these three movies, the majority will say they heard of Mean Girls. Another point that this negative review claims is that it is mean to the openly gay student, Janis Ian, when the movie should support this minority. However, the final outcome is that the protagonist, Cady, becomes good friends with her. This inaccurate review of the 2004 movie "Mean Girls" just is one person who dislikes this movie and provides reasons why they think that this movie is worthy of 1/10 stars on IMD. But, this does not reflect the movie at all. It should have at least 9/10 stars because the movie provides the lesson of always being true to yourself and not caring about what others think of you. It has a unique storyline and is filled with great acting by greater actors. Mean Girls is a have to watch movie that you can watch with your friends and family anytime.


Lindsay Lohan plays a home schooled teen raised in Africa who is finally going to a regular school. She will quickly find out that nothing is regular in the High School that she will go to. The teachers are a bit mentally off; and the students are like a microcosm of the wild animals that Lohan has seen during her African upbringing. Alone in this teen jungle, Lohan must carefully navigate the numerous cliques of jocks, burnouts, cool Asians, wannabes, nerds, and the powerful "Mean Girls" ruled by Rachel McAdams.Lohan quickly befriends two outcasts who persuade her to join the mean girls and use whatever secrets they tell Lohan to help bring down the mean girls' reign of terror. Lohan reluctantly agrees; but when one wears a mask for a long time, it becomes difficult to distinguish the real face from the mask.My most memorable, movie moment of "Mean Girls" is the scene when McAdams discovers she has been duped into eating "health" bars that actually makes a person gain weight. The long scream that came out of her mouth was priceless!"Mean Girls" flies high above the average teen rom/com/revenge flick because of Tina Fey's script, Mark Waters' fine direction, and the good acting of the principal actors. It's no wonder this movie has many repeat viewings.Mannysmemorablemoviemoments
