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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)

June. 14,1991
| Adventure Drama Action

Nobleman crusader Robin of Locksley breaks out of a Jerusalem prison with the help of Moorish fellow prisoner Azeem and travels back home to England. But upon arrival he discovers his dead father in the ruins of his family estate, killed by the vicious sheriff of Nottingham, Robin and Azeem join forces with outlaws Little John and Will Scarlett to save the kingdom from the sheriff's villainy.


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Sorry, this movie sucks


Best movie ever!


A Major Disappointment


It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.


Thieves starts out with some good old-fashioned Arab bashing as middle eastern dungeon masters compete to see who can collect the most hands in Crusades era Jerusalem. Shagamuffin Robin looks on with sadness as his prison pals get handicapped. But the Hoodrat manages to escape and in a twist of fate, we get the 48 Hours/Lethal Weapon factor as white teams up with black when Robin frees Morgan Freeman's Azeem. When Robin escapes and returns home with Azeem, he discovers that all is not well in the hood. Taxes are out of control, the economy has gone bottoms up, and crime is on the rise. Rob sees that the natural solution to all this is for the crime rate to go up even more and starts to raise some merry mayhem in Naughtyham.But Hood's antics don't sit well with Alan Rickman's Sheriff. Turns out the Sheriff is a cannibal and he exclaims that he'd love nothing more than a spoonful of Robin's heart. Not only does the Sheriff wanna get all Temple o' Doom on Robin's ass, he also has a sherwoody for Robin's main squeeze, Maid Marion. And when he's not lusting after princesses, he's doing what any good politician does to gain influence. He's got his hands working the church. And like any good Christian, he starts to seek the allegiance of the rich. But Robin throws a wrench in his plans when he steals the money the Sheriff was going to use to bankroll the wealthy Barons on their visit to Nuttyham. That's when it's time for drastic measures and Rickman hatches the Sheriffic plan to recruit highlander hillbillies and start a good old-fashioned forest fire. The adventure and thievery never stops in this movie. Robin Hood is a thief who will steal your heart ...likely by shooting an arrow at it with a string attached.You know it's true Everything I chew It turns into poo


As enjoyable and watchable as a film adaptation of the legend of Robin Hood is supposed to be made out to be, this film is woefully underdeveloped and silly! Featuring a cast, majority American, whom can't even pull off decent English accents in their featured Nottingham roles, makes this movie, it's characters and it's purpose, foolish and disturbing. The accents of Christian Slater Michael McShane aren't great and nevertheless their character development, As well as Little John's, is not great nor is their presence of any importance as it's supposed to be in the great tale of Robin Hood. Kevin Costner's performance as the titular hero also isn't great, nor is his lack of attempt to try an English accent, but instead we're invited to oversee the tale with Yankee Robin Hood instead. The only great and plausible things about Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, is the performances of Alan Rickman as the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and Morgan Freeman as Robin's sidekick Azeem. Their performances are noteworthy and excellent and give some greatness to this woefully failed tale of one of greatest known tales of all time.


For some reason I've never watched this film. I guess I wasn't really a Kevin Costner fan as a kid, who is?, and I even think back then I found an American Robin Hood stupid. Alas however with an interest in Historical Adventure I decided to get round to this. What the actual hell 1991? This was your second highest grossing film?I was expecting a Hollywood movie, no doubt. I know that entails a certain amount of Americanization and commercialization. It happens in Braveheart for example but they still have a foot in some kind of reality even if they paint characters with broad strokes.But this? Everyone who isn't good is a sniveling pantomime villain, Alan Rickman is like a cinematic version of Blackadder. He is raised by a devil worshiping witch... WHAT THE FLUFF? Complete with a children's TV dungeon set that has dry ice and green lights. Why stop there guys why not just give him a dragon too?The main problem aside from the casting of Robin Hood is this is neither fish nor fowl. If they had intended to make a swash buckling adventure movie, something like Zorro, maybe some of this cheese would be over looked but every so often they try and make this some profound historical epic with Kevin spewing out some half assed noble words. Honestly the one with the cartoon fox was more believable.


I just re-watched this recently - first, Alan Rickman steals this film. Every time he is on screen the film comes alive. But outside of that its all a little serious - and I understand the desire to move away from the Errol Flynn image, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun. The trouble with too many Robin Hood movies is they feel the need to over explain the back-story rather than have fun with his adventures robbing the rich. We do get a few scenes of that fun, but not enough. Maybe that seems nitpicking but the wonderful hideout in the woods is barely glimpsed and we could have spent so much more time there. That said, it's a good watch and better than some, more recent Robin Hood interpretations.
